
The Kashfence Philosophy (Discovering through Rational and Scientific Analysis)

By: Dr Shahin Soltanian

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Kashfence Philosophy is the doctrine developed by Dr. Shahin Soltanian that maintains rational and scientific reasoning is the basis for a happy and moral life.  The word Kashfence is comprised of the word ‘Kashf’, meaning to discover in some languages, with the suffix ‘ence’ which denotes a quality, an action or result.  Together ‘kashf’ and ‘ence’ create the original word Kashfence intended to capture the essence of discovering through rational and scientific reasoning and analysis.  The essence of Kashfence Philosophy is for every person to discover through rational and scientific reasoning.

Kashfence Philosophy is not a religion but a philosophical basis and doctrine for living.  According to the Kashfence Philosophical thought a person is capable of discovering through rational and scientific reasoning not only information about the world but also moral principles.  Like the scientific domain the ability to discover moral principles and laws that govern society become better evolved and more advanced through peaceful dialogue that takes place between people as long as the underlying principle is rational and scientific reasoning.

According to Kashfence Philosophy there exists an unlimited God that created the entire world of being.  However, God has not ‘revealed’ anything to human beings.  Those who asserted to have the word of God or revelation from God have failed to rationally prove their claim.  The ability to reason is the best tool God has given every person to discover not only scientific principles but also all other principles including any basis for moral and legal opinions.  However, many personalities of different religions have made significant contribution to the moral and social fabric of human society.  However, they do not have divine authority to establish laws or rules for people’s lives.  The merits of each of their claims should be independently analyzed through rational and scientific methods to see if they should be adopted or rejected.

A person that lives according to the Kashfenci Philosophical thought is known as a Kashfenci or a follower of the Kashfence Philosophy. Kashfence Philosophy is based on the following five principles:

1 – Rational and Scientific reasoning

2 – There is one unlimited God

3 – Justice

4 – Family

5 – Healthy Mind and Body

Rational and Scientific reasoning

Knowledge can be attained through rational and scientific reasoning only.  Every person of sound mind has the ability to think and reason for themselves as individuals and as a group assisting each other.  Reasoning, as long as it is on the basis of rational and scientific analysis is what leads to discovery of truth and reality.  Kashfence philosophy puts the most emphasis on this principle and all other principles are subject to proof and evidence through rational and scientific reasoning.


In accordance with Kashfence philosophy God is not limited in any shape or form, is the existential cause of everything and the laws that govern their interaction but does not have an existential cause itself (has always existed) and cannot be divided in any way.  No person or limited being can claim to be god or divine.


There exists a sense of justice within people.  Rational and scientific reasoning, not claims of divine laws, should be used to clarify what is just and fair.


Whatever form a family takes it is beneficial to be caring to one’s family and socialise with them and protect them.

Healthy Mind and Body

To enjoy life and help others enjoy life, a healthy mind and body is essential.  Hence, in order to achieve the aforementioned goal every individual should endeavour to the best of their ability to have a healthy mind and body and help others to do the same.

The Kashfence Philosophical doctrine has two days of celebration during the year.  One is on 1st of May known as Good Deeds Day on which a Kashfenci does a good deed usually for someone else.  The second is on 1st of November known as Family and Friends Day intended to be a day you spend with your family and/or friends. The Kashfenci community have communal gathering in what is known as the Discovery Centres.  At such centres people engage in discussions, listen to lectures and have the opportunity to socialize.