Human societies have many events of significance that are either celebrated or commemorated as a yearly anniversary. Such events might have religious, national or ethnic significance or a combination of one or more things.
National celebrations and commemorations could be the day a nation declared its independence from another nation. It could be the anniversary of the day when a system of government was changed. A national day of celebration could also include such things as signing of a peace treaty between two groups of people that coexist within a state or celebrate the birth of a monarch.
Religious celebrations and commemorations can include the birth or demise of an important figure in that religion. It could also include a significant event in the mythology or history of a religion. Some religious anniversaries might include rituals or acts that were intended in the opinion of the founder or founders to teach self-discipline, improve society, improve oneself or seek some kind of attachment or closeness to God.
Ethnic holidays have usually concentrated on times of the year that were important to that ethnic group such as for example, celebration of the coming of the Spring season for harvesting crops.
What many of these celebrations and commemorations have in common is that it is usually a communal or familial event. People get together either with their community or with their family for the purpose of celebrating or commemorating an event. Common understanding and agreement about a particular day or time and the rituals and customs surrounding it serves the purpose of bonding and social cohesion between people.
Having a specific day to celebrate and commemorate organises people’s lives so that they can pre-plan their lives around it.
Due to the secular nature of the Kashfence philosophical doctrine, two days of celebration have been established to celebrate and commemorate what can be universally accepted as being fundamental to happiness and a moral life.
One is on 1st of May known as Good Deeds Day. On Good Deeds Day a person intends and strives to do a good deed. There is no specific custom of what kind of good deeds can be done to celebrate this day. It is up to the person to choose what they are capable of and they feel strongly about. Hence, each person might do a different kind of good deed.
The second day of celebration in Kashfence Philosophy is on the 1st of November known as the Family and Friends Day. Family and Friends Day is a commemorative event intended to be a day you spend with your family and/or friends. Gifts can be exchanged on Family and Friends Day or a person might just choose to spend quality time with their family and friends.
The reason it is called Family and Friends day is because there could be individuals who do not have a family or their family might be too far away. Still they can celebrate the joy of spending time with a loved one or loved ones who might be just their friends.
The two commemorative days were specifically chosen because they did not have any seasonal significance.
Throughout history fake remedies and miracle cures have been used to mislead and rob vulnerable people when they are most afraid and in need. They give false hope to people when scientifically proven medicine and cures have not been developed. In the recent Covid-19 worldwide pandemic there is no shortage of unproven cures of traditional, herbal and even medicinal remedies being spread on social media. Many such tonics have already been responsible for deaths and illnesses worldwide and have caused individuals to be lax in their precautions regarding Covid-19. It is important to understand that even if a scientifically proven medicine or cure has not yet been developed it is not a vindication of superstitious or unproven claims. It is important to approach any remedy or cure touted for any ailment using proper scientific analysis and approach and to rely on the experts in the field and not fraudsters to find the appropriate solution.
“Sometimes you have to just do it to realize that you can, rather than waste time continuously thinking about whether you can.”
Dr Shahin Soltanian
Kashfence Philosophy
“Sometimes you have to just do it to realize that you can, rather than waste time continuously thinking about whether you can.” Dr Shahin Soltanian Kashfence Philosophy
“Before you start a sentence with the term ‘ideally’, make sure what is ideal for you is not a nightmare for someone else.”
“Before you start a sentence with the term ‘ideally’, make sure what is ideal for you is not a nightmare for someone else.” Dr Shahin Soltanian Kashfence Philosophy
“Just because you believe that what you are doing has divine moral justification doesn’t absolve you of the harm it causes. It certainly doesn’t stop the harm.”
Dr Shahin Soltanian
Kashfence Philosophy
“Just because you believe that what you are doing has divine moral justification doesn’t absolve you of the harm it causes. It certainly doesn’t stop the harm.” Dr Shahin Soltanian Kashfence Philosophy
Contribute To Collective Wisdom not Collective StupidityIt would be better for everyone if individuals stop contributing to collective stupidity through spreading false conspiracy theories and propaganda and instead start contributing to collective wisdom through discussions and dialogues that are based on facts and evidence. Dr Shahin Soltanian Kashfence PhilosophyThe modifiers “traditional” and “modern” do not add anything to the concept of values other than give it a chronological meaning. Values are values, whether they are discovered centuries ago or recently. If a moral value is reasonable and good then keep it and carry it with you into the future. If it is unreasonable and bad then do not waste time reminiscing about it. Disregard the unreasonable and bad immediately.
Shahin Soltanian
Kashfence PhilosophyThe modifiers “traditional” and “modern” do not add anything to the concept of values other than give it a chronological meaning. Values are values, whether they are discovered centuries ago or recently. If a moral value is reasonable and good then keep it and carry it with you into the future. If it is unreasonable and bad then do not waste time reminiscing about it. Disregard the unreasonable and bad immediately. Shahin Soltanian Kashfence PhilosophyFamily and Friends Day
November 1st
Spend some time with your family and/or friends
Kashfence Philosophy1St of November, Family And Friends Day
Spend some time with your family and/or friends
Kashfence PhilosophyFamily and Friends Day November 1st Spend some time with your family and/or friends Kashfence Philosophy1St of November, Family And Friends Day Spend some time with your family and/or friends Kashfence PhilosophyIt is the attribute of the ignorant to accept only that which conforms to their limited understanding. Human beings have the ability to reason. Hence, we need to acquire and accept facts beyond that which is enclosed in our current way of thinking. Dr Shahin Soltanian Kashfence PhilosophyThe remedy for ignorance is knowledge. But there is no cure for someone who chooses to remain ignorant. Dr Shahin Soltanian Kashfence PhilosophyCherished Moments When the heart cannot hear, what good are the ears? When the heart cannot see, what good are the eyes? When the heart cannot speak, what good is the tongue? When the heart cannot touch, what good are the limbs? When the heart cannot feel, what good is the memory? By: Zahra SoltanianWhy fight with bodies when you can fight with hearts and minds? When you fight bodies there is injury and death but fighting with the hearts and minds sometimes produces life. While a defeated body dies, a heart and mind that is defeated with reason and evidence becomes alive. Dr Shahin Soltanian Kashfence Philosophy
Good Deeds Day
May 1st1st of May, Good Deeds Day
Do a good deed1st of May, Good Deeds Day Do a good deed, or many good deeds. It can be any good deed. Kashfence PhilosophyGood Deeds Day
The Nightingale and the Jungle Fire
The following tale has in some way been mentioned in different world mythologies. The following novel version takes into consideration the main moral of the story.
Due to a lightning incident parts of a jungle had caught fire. In the midst of all the animals a single nightingale was attempting to put out the fire. It would take a drop of water with its beak, take it towards the fire and drop it at the corner. It would only drop the water at the corner of the fire that had engulfed part of the jungle because it was too hot for the nightingale to fly over it. It repeatedly did this until the other animals with a condescending tone said to the nightingale, “What use is it? You are too small and the water you carry too little to make any difference. You can never put out the fire at this rate.”
The nightingale turned to them and said, “You are absolutely correct. However, this is to the best of my ability. I am making the utmost effort according to what I am capable so that I don’t feel like I have done nothing. Maybe if everyone else also did what they are capable of or made any effort then we could all put out this fire.”
The moral of the story is that everyone is responsible for their own actions and whether they will choose to do nothing or be an active part of making a change for the better. Things might not change with the action of one person but maybe that one person can be an example to inspire others to also make an effort.
Kashfence Philosophy
Fable of the Farmer, his Father and their Donkey
There is an ancient fable that attempts to explain what would be the result of basing your life on other people’s opinions. The story is not necessarily intended for the purpose of discouraging a person from listening to and accepting beneficial advice and constructive criticism. Rather, it can be used to represent the idea that if someone changes the way they are doing something only for the reason of pleasing others, especially with so many different opinions, it will end with undesirable consequences. There will always be someone who disagrees or will pick on something to criticize. It could also be used to explain the consequences of criticizing others without a good reason other than one’s personal arbitrary opinions. The story is narrated in many different cultures in slightly different variations. The following is one version:
There was farmer that didn’t have much wealth but his farm and one donkey. His old father lived with him and his family. Every once in a while the farmer and his father would take their crops to town to sell in the farmer’s market. The market was about half a day’s journey. So the farmer stacked up his donkey and with his father went towards the farmer’s market. Both he and his father were walking beside the donkey when they were passing a village. The people of that village started talking and said, “Look at those two! They are both walking when they have a donkey to carry them. Why doesn’t one of them just ride on the donkey? They must not be very intelligent.”
The farmer and his father felt ashamed that their intelligence was questioned. The farmer told his old father to sit on the donkey instead of walking so that he can bare the long journey. He walked beside the donkey during their journey towards the farmer’s market. On the way to the market, they were passing a village. The villagers started talking about them saying, “Look at that father! How can he sit on the donkey while his son looks tired while walking? What kind of a father is he?!”
So the father and the son felt ashamed and decided to switch places. The son started riding the donkey whereas the father walked alongside. While passing another village, the residents of that village started talking saying, “Look at that boy! He is riding on the donkey with no care in the world when his old father who has worked all his life to bring him up has to walk. What kind of a son is he?”
So the father and the son felt ashamed again and decided it was better if they both rode the donkey and in this way no one can criticize them. When they were passing the next town on their way to the market the residents of that town started talking and saying, “Look at those cruel people! They are both riding that donkey with their crop on its back. Don’t they care at all about its welfare?”
Fed up with all the criticism they decided to carry the donkey instead. They used a stick and tied the donkey with all their crops and started carrying the donkey and the crop when they passed another town. The people of that town started mocking them saying, “Look at those idiots! They are carrying the donkey instead of the donkey carrying them. How stupid can you get?!” They were halfway through a bridge and upset about what had occurred until that time. Trying to put the donkey down so that the mocking stops the donkey and the crops slipped from their hands and fell of the bridge and the donkey died. They were left without a crop and with no donkey. On that day they realized that changing the way a person does things just for the purpose of pleasing everyone else will not have a good outcome.
This website is intended to inform anyone interested in the Kashfence Philosophy and provide information and contact needed by the world Kashfenci community for propagating the Kashfenci thought.
The site is run by the Kashfence Trust, registered as a charity in New Zealand. Kashfence Trust also operates Kashfence Trust Publications and Productions and Health-T Publication.
Dr. Shahin Soltanian
Founder of Kashfence Philosophy Dr. Shahin Soltanian has a PhD from the University of Auckland in philosophy. He has studied and researched the philosophy, theology, history and legal frameworks of many religious teachings and traditions. He spent a good portion of his life researching foundations of religious thoughts, reasoning provided by polemics of various different religions for their tenets of faith and the principles and legal frameworks of various religious laws. His main goal for his research was always to find out the truth. Dr. Soltanian founded and named the Kashfence Philosophy for those who believe in God but do not see the necessity of adopting a religion. Kashfence Philosophy provides the framework and organization for living one’s life without religion or divine commandments.
Zahra Soltanian
Zahra Soltanian is a trustee of the Kashfence Trust. She manages the organization and operation of the trust’s activities and its financial aspects. She is interested in women’s rights, freedoms and health. She can also communicate in four languages.
Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi
Ali Soltanian Fard Jahromi is the programs administrator for the Kashfence Trust. He is also responsible for the this site’s smooth running, SEO and social media and web activities. Other than his charitable work for Kashfence Trust, his other activities include software development, 3D and CGI art, animation, film production and game development.
Kashfence Philosophy is the doctrine developed by Dr. Shahin Soltanian that maintains rational and scientific reasoning is the basis for a happy and moral life. The word Kashfence is comprised of the word ‘Kashf’, meaning to discover in some languages, with the suffix ‘ence’ which denotes a quality, an action or result. Together ‘kashf’ and ‘ence’ create the original word Kashfence intended to capture the essence of discovering through rational and scientific reasoning and analysis. The essence of Kashfence Philosophy is for every person to discover through rational and scientific reasoning.
Kashfence Philosophy is not a religion but a philosophical basis and doctrine for living. According to the Kashfence Philosophical thought a person is capable of discovering through rational and scientific reasoning not only information about the world but also moral principles. Like the scientific domain the ability to discover moral principles and laws that govern society become better evolved and more advanced through peaceful dialogue that takes place between people as long as the underlying principle is rational and scientific reasoning.
According to Kashfence Philosophy there exists an unlimited God that created the entire world of being. However, God has not ‘revealed’ anything to human beings. Those who asserted to have the word of God or revelation from God have failed to rationally prove their claim. The ability to reason is the best tool God has given every person to discover not only scientific principles but also all other principles including any basis for moral and legal opinions. However, many personalities of different religions have made significant contribution to the moral and social fabric of human society. However, they do not have divine authority to establish laws or rules for people’s lives. The merits of each of their claims should be independently analyzed through rational and scientific methods to see if they should be adopted or rejected.
A person that lives according to the Kashfenci Philosophical thought is known as a Kashfenci or a follower of the Kashfence Philosophy. Kashfence Philosophy is based on the following five principles:
1 – Rational and Scientific reasoning
2 – There is one unlimited God
3 – Justice
4 – Family
5 – Healthy Mind and Body
Rational and Scientific reasoning
Knowledge can be attained through rational and scientific reasoning only. Every person of sound mind has the ability to think and reason for themselves as individuals and as a group assisting each other. Reasoning, as long as it is on the basis of rational and scientific analysis is what leads to discovery of truth and reality. Kashfence philosophy puts the most emphasis on this principle and all other principles are subject to proof and evidence through rational and scientific reasoning.
In accordance with Kashfence philosophy God is not limited in any shape or form, is the existential cause of everything and the laws that govern their interaction but does not have an existential cause itself (has always existed) and cannot be divided in any way. No person or limited being can claim to be god or divine.
There exists a sense of justice within people. Rational and scientific reasoning, not claims of divine laws, should be used to clarify what is just and fair.
Whatever form a family takes it is beneficial to be caring to one’s family and socialise with them and protect them.
Healthy Mind and Body
To enjoy life and help others enjoy life, a healthy mind and body is essential. Hence, in order to achieve the aforementioned goal every individual should endeavour to the best of their ability to have a healthy mind and body and help others to do the same.
The Kashfence Philosophical doctrine has two days of celebration during the year. One is on 1st of May known as Good Deeds Day on which a Kashfenci does a good deed usually for someone else. The second is on 1st of November known as Family and Friends Day intended to be a day you spend with your family and/or friends. The Kashfenci community have communal gathering in what is known as the Discovery Centres. At such centres people engage in discussions, listen to lectures and have the opportunity to socialize.